I’ve got great news for everyone! One of my comics, Development Hell, has been selected as a Top Ten Finalist in D.C. Comics online webcomics adventure, Zuda Comics. The winner of the contest gets a 1 year publishing contract with D.C. and Zuda Comics.
I need everyone to create a profile and vote for Development Hell as they’re favorite comic. Also, please select Development Hell as one of your favorites and please give Development Hell a favorable star ranking. With all your help, I can make one of my childhood dreams a reality by having one of my original creations published by D.C. Comics.
To create a profile and vote on Development Hell, simply go to Zuda Comics and get started.
Thanks a bunch!
All things must end, and so it goes for the December Competition at Zuda Comics.
Pray for Death is the winner of the December Competition. Congratulations to them!
Thanks for everyone who voted for Development Hell! It was a fun ride and a great experience being selected to Zuda. I would like to thank the editors for selecting Development Hell for Zuda. Good times.
See you in the funny pages…